Saturday, May 11, 2013

Long Windy and Rainy

Hi All,

Well, we've done it. Annamaria and I have proven that we are unafraid of the rain and the wind. We rode a total of 42 miles today in less than ideal conditions, our first 'long' ride. Hooray! It didn't actually end up raining even though it was supposed to, but we think the fact that we were not deterred by the idea of rain deserves some sort of medal. Anyway, we had fun on the ride until the very end about two miles out Annamaria noticed her back tire was very flat. Don't worry though, she got through it.

Biking on Long Island in post-rain muggy, windy, gloomy-ness is not ideal for the health of the bikes. It was like we brought them to the beach on a rainy day (which I guess we technically did) because there was sand in every crevice of the bike. So how do you get the sand out of your bike without using a garden hose? Our answer: take a shower with it! In hindsight, we should've taken a photo, but we didn't. So use your imagination to envision each of us using our dorm handicap-friendly showers to give our bikes a good rinse after putting them through so much. Don't worry, we dried them properly so they won't rust.

The next two weeks are finals weeks for us - but I don't have any finals! So instead I will be full time fundraising/house building/bike riding. This Wednesday we're gonna finish up our building time with the Nassau County Habitat for Humanity, so that will be an awesome exhausting day. Next Sunday is a big day for us as well, on May 19 we will be at the Way Station in Brooklyn running our Doctor Who raffle while the season 7 finale is played at the bar. Don't worry, Doctor Who will be back next year. If you're around Brooklyn that day - stop by, say hi, enter to win awesome prizes and support affordable housing!

Summary of this post: Don't worry.

More later,

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